Women’s Moon Circles
Online Full Moon Circle
Next Moon Circle:TBD
As women, our bodies work in cycles just like the moon. Gathering with other women under the moon helps us who operate mainly in our masculine energy all day long slow down and embrace our feminine energy. Connecting with one another in a way that lifts each of us higher is a way to overcome loneliness, build healthy relationships, and create magic. My first moon circle I showed up even though I didn’t know who else would be there. It ended up shifting the way I honor my body and giving me a deeper connection to myself and my relationships.
Cyclical Living
For women and people who identify with feminine energy there is a cyclical experience of time. Hormonally speaking women cycle every 28 days and men cycle every 24 hours. This creates a very different experience of life, energy, and time. We live in a world that is organized to a 24 hour cycle. The opportunity here is to honor our cycles and re-weave our feminine energy into our daily living. There are four phases of our menstrual cycle that align perfectly with the four phases of the lunar cycle and the energy of the seasons. This is important because we have been told in order to be successful we need to keep adding more things into our days but the path to receiving what we actually want is in tuning into the cyclical energy of our days, months, and our years.
New moon = Menstrual phase = Winter = Rest
Waxing moon = Follicular phase = Spring = New Beginnings
Full moon = Ovulation = Summer = Connection
Waning moon = Luteal phase = Autumn = Completion
New Moon: Rest + Reflect
New Moon circles will focus on a moonly theme and lesson we dive into together. We will harness the power of the new moon, set intentions, and get clear on what we desire for the upcoming cycle. These circles will give your soul a chance to clearly communicate with you.
Full Moon: Connect + Release
Full Moon Circles will put an emphasis on letting go and releasing what may feel heavy or what is no longer serving you. It’s a time to check in with your intentions and modify what may not feel aligned. It’s always such a beautiful experience.